Team Building Blog

We craft insightful articles on team building, focused on elevating employee engagement and boosting morale. Our content encompasses a wide range of valuable insights to help teams work better together.

Our topics include..

  • Creative games and activities that can be played during conference calls
  • Effective strategies for managing remote teams
  • Array of free templates and tools for team building

Plus much more


5 Minute Team Building Activities

5 Minute Team Building Activities

Add something short but effective into your team building experiences with these 5-minute team building activities and energisers everyone will love.
Social Identity Theory

Social Identity Theory

An important set of structures in today’s society, read about how Tajfel’s Social Identity Theory explains the formation of social groups in everyday life
TED Talks

TED Talks

Easily one of the most recognisable video series on the internet, TED Talks are a fantastic resource for learning about technology, entertainment and design.
Fisher’s Theory

Fisher’s Theory

A theory curated by American economist Irving Fisher, we’re going to look at his theory of Decision Emergence and how workgroups come to make progress.
John Adair Leadership

John Adair Leadership

A great theory from one of the most renowned team thinkers, have a look at the principles of John Adair Leadership and learn how to apply it to your own firm.
Dunbar Number Theory

Dunbar Number Theory

A theory based on social interactions, we’re going to explore what Dunbar’s Number theory is and how it could be used to analyse and improve your workforce.
Myers Briggs Personality Test

Myers Briggs Personality Test

Used by thousands every day in companies across the world, the Myers Briggs Personality Test is an interesting theory that we’re going to cover in this article.
Patrick Lencioni

Patrick Lencioni

Take a read of Patrick Lencioni’s popular theory and learn about the 5 dysfunctions of a team, and how you can implement changes into your own workforce.
Tuckman Theory

Tuckman Theory

A simple and concise way of explaining the group development process, the Tuckman Theory is a fantastic way to find out how and why workgroups succeed.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

An influential psychological theory, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs defines what human being need and how to achieve them in order to succeed in work & life.