Hen Do Pass the Parcel

Pass the Parcel

Scrap your boring hen party games and bring back a childhood classic with pass the parcel!

This game is perfect for a big group of girls, and especially as an icebreaker for the hen weekend. Everyone knows the rules, but this hen do addition has a few cheeky twists and turns you can use to surprise the budding bride during her celebrations. Pass the parcel is fun, easy and can be as cheap or expensive as you like to suit the last night of freedom budget.

How Do You Play Hen Do Pass the Parcel?

This well-loved game is easy as pie to play, and even easier to set up. Before you start playing, you’ll need minimal prep work to make sure the game runs smoothly.

What You'll Need:

  • Wrapping Paper!
  • Small Gifts
  • One large gift for the winner
  • Music

TOP TIP: It’s a great idea to let your hen win and choose a sentimental gift. Band all the bridesmaids together to choose something special like a memory book or present for the couple and shock her with this nice present.

How to Play:

We don’t need to explain this game to you ladies! All you need to do is sit in a circle and get passing. Choose someone to stop the music, and whoever it lands on will have the pleasure of ripping off a layer to unveil a present. You can make the gifts as cheap or expensive as you like, from sweets to mirrors, ‘Christmas cracker’ type gifts or even hen party accessories!

When choosing music, you can easily find playlists on Apple Music, YouTube or Spotify to fit the atmosphere of the last night of freedom.

If you’re in the stages of hen party planning but need a little extra inspiration, check out some of our hen party activities to fill the hen weekend to the brim with fun memories.

Pass the Parcel

Organise a Memorable Hen Do

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