Team Building in Wrexham

Team Building in Wrexham

Smartphone Urban Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Urban Treasure Hunt

  • Explore your location
  • Self-run, start anytime
  • Great value, app technology
  • Team challenges & puzzles
Smartphone Pub Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Pub Treasure Hunt

  • Fully organised pub quiz hunt
  • Self run – start any time
  • Test general pub knowledge
  • Hilarious team challenges
The Ultimate Treasure Hunt

The Ultimate Treasure Hunt

  • The best of the best
  • Exciting trivia & quizzes
  • Huge variety of challenges
  • GPS smartphone app
Outdoor Escape Rooms

Outdoor Escape Rooms

  • Outdoor escape rooms
  • Improves problem solving
  • Interactive fun host
  • Tasks, clues, Immersive challenges
GPS: Spy School

GPS: Spy School

  • Spy themed challenges
  • Self run – start any time
  • Great value, latest technology
  • GPS and image recognition
Smartphone Christmas Treasure Hunt

Smartphone Christmas Treasure Hunt

  • Pub quiz & bar crawl in one
  • Self-run, so start anytime
  • Great value, app technology
  • Perfect for Christmas parties
GPS: Space Survival

GPS: Space Survival

  • Space-themed challenges
  • Activity Co-ordinator
  • Explore the city centre
  • Fun & Competitive

Wrexham Team Building Ideas

Dive into these event ideas and find some unique opportunities when it comes to team building in Wrexham. Businesses looking for higher staff retention, unique employee motivators or a boost in staff morale will find an experience to suit everyone here. Do you want creative ideas that can be enjoyed indoor, outdoor or in office? You’ve found what you’re looking for with the range of ideas in Wrexham. However team building activities for virtual groups are starting to become more popular and guess what, we offer these too.

Team Building Activities in Wrexham

Situated a short drive away from the English border in the beautiful Welsh countryside is Wrexham. Great for almost anything from shopping to a night out, exploring the sights and even team building activities in Wrexham! It’s a hub for everything and is known for being a retail, commercial, administrative and educational centre!

Whether your based around the area or just want a breath of fresh air this location is perfect, especially when it comes to the activities and experiences. With a variety of events, venues and add on’s available you will be able to enjoy the exact event you want.

It has become extremely popular over the years as the perfect way to reward your staff, improve different skills and even just a chance to introduce new members to each other.

Top 10 Team Building Events in Wrexham

1. Treasure Hunts

Competitive fun treasure hunts include GPS mapping to find hotspots to unlock quizzes, challenges, group photo's and tasks. Live leaderboard to see your score.

2. Hunt the Apprentice

If you are wanting to promote leadership in a fun and unique way then this experience will be perfect for you.

3. Retro Showdown

Enjoy some classic retro games with an event that is great for all different sized groups.

4. The Trading Floor

Buy Buy Buy or Sell Sell Sell! You have to live with the decisions you make, so decide well. Each will be given job roles such as floor trader or finance manager.

5. Escape the Box

Complete challenges to unlock the box. Sounds simple right! However you'll find out its much harder and needs everyone to crack the clues.

6. Battle of Olympus

A fun filled activity that can get you going head to head against each other! Who is going to win the gold medals. Brilliant outdoor activity.

7. Crystal Collection Team Challenge

Get everyone involved in an experience that has fun games and challenges perfect for bringing everyone together.

8. Corporate Sports Day

Get ready for a day filled with exciting classic sports day challenges! From sack races to the iconic egg and spoon race, you'll have plenty of fun!

9. Masterpiece Challenge

Get creative in an experience that will be perfect for improving your communication. Breeds teamwork and collaboration.

10. Stop the Clocks

Get involved in an experience that is perfect for your event as your complete tasks and challenges against the clock.

Team Building Activities in Wrexham

Are Food & Drink Activities Good for Mixed Groups?

The amount of times you have probably had lunch together or an after work drink is a lot we can assume. Which means incorporating food and drink into your activity could easily be an option for you. A fun and interactive experience that all of you will love.

It could be as simple as an organised after work meal or something a little bit more creative!

Indoor Team Building Activities

How Effective Are Indoor Team Building Activities?

The weather can be unpredictable here in the UK and if your planning on having a team building event in Wrexham then an indoor activity might be the best shout. There would be nothing worse than having an event planned and having to cancel or postpone it till another time.

Which is why an indoor event would be so popular. With a selection of different fun and interactive experiences.

Outdoor Team Building Activities in Wrexham

What are the Advantages of Outdoor Activities?

Whether you are always inside an office or not there is nothing better than having something to refresh you like an outdoor activity. And with a variety of options available you can enjoy something fun and energetic or challenging and mental, whatever goals and skills you’re planning on meeting you will be able to do so with an outdoor activity!


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Reviews for Wrexham

Rating 5.0
Laura Maskall
16th June 2023
The event went really well and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves!