Bollywood Dance Hen Party in Glasgow

Bollywood Dance Class
  • Bollywood Dance Class
  • Dance Party Class
  • Dance Party Classes
  • Dance Party Entertainment
  • Was £28.00
  • Now £25.00
£3 discount
Valid until 30/06/2024

Activity Details

  • Learn a story through dance
  • City centre private venues
  • Guided by an instructor
  • Spectators free of charge

Glasgow has a lot to offer and is often underrated as a city for a hen party. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by what the city has to offer especially in terms of the dance classes. If you fancy yourself a dance class with a twist, then let Glasgow teach you and your fellow girls the way of the Bollywood dance in a city centre venue and a friendly first-class instructor. Learn every Bollywood dance step you need to compose you’re very own dance routine wearing traditional Hindi attire to look the part. Bring out the cultured side of you move those feet! Bring as many people as you want even if it’s to take part or just to watch, it’s bound to be a huge learning curve as well as a giggle with the wacky moves you’ll come up with. Give Glasgow a shot with a fantastic Bollywood dance class.

What’s Included

  • Have fun learning a fully choreographed dance routine
  • Nice warm up to start
  • Be taught by an experience dance instructor
  • Learn all the traditional steps & hand movements
  • Practice the moves as you go
  • For the finally, the girls will get together and perform the full routine to some Bollywood music
  • Private room in a city centre venue
  • Spectators come free of charge

Extra Info:

What to wear? Comfortable gym wear, trainers/pumps, or choose to dress up in famous Bollywood saree’s, harem pants & hip scarves.


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